
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办



  • 2024最新赞美父爱的句子


    1、don't forget that in a complete family, in addition to maternal love, there is also paternal love. on the road of our growth, my father set a coordinate for us and forged wings for us to fly. thank you for your father's love and all that it has brought us. it is an eternal love. thank you, father!

    2、my father is tall, but thin. his back is a little hunched. i don't know whether he is thinner or older. this is a question that makes people think, and it pains me to think about it.



    5、my father is a real farmer. he worked at sunrise and rested at sunset. he has spent more than 50 years with his face turned to the earth and his back to the sky. in addition to farming, my father has hardly made any achievements in his career; the few acres of thin land became his closest partner, and farming was the wh

  • 赞美父爱的句子汇总133句




    2、father's love is a big mountain, tall and dignified; father's love is a pool of water, deep hidden; father's love is a pair of hands, touching us through spring, summer, autumn and winter; and fatherly love is a tear, a tear full of temperature.



    5、father's love is like a mountain, protecting the fire of life; father's love is like fire, lighting the lamp of hope; father's love is like a lamp, illuminating the way ahead; father's love guides my life.


    7、whenever i see my father's silver hair; whenever i see my father's slightly hunched back, i don't know whether my eyes are full of tear

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    2、my father looks ordinary, but he is honest and profound: "take on a clean shoulder with two sleeves, and then the old cow, 'moo moo'. good boy, don't worry about the white boy for his fame..." this is his creation!


    4、father's love is a tree that protects me from wind and rain; father's love is a street lamp, giving me light on the way to my future; father's love is a star, guarding me everywhere





    9、when the breeze blew, i seemed to see my father standing in front of me with a smile, slowly stroking my hair. although he did not speak, i could understand his loving eyes. in my father's eyes, i understood a kind of broad affection, which is a ki

  • 赞美父爱的句子汇总


    1、father's love is like tea, but his father doesn't care about his tiredness. he always pays the best attention to me. as always, when i am sleepy in my study, he puts down a cup of thick green tea on my desk and walks out quietly. because he is afraid of disturbing me. at this time, i would raise the green tea on the table and take a drink. the deep warmth dispelled the cold feeling of the body, and the love behind the tea instantly warmed my heart.

    2、father's love is like a mountain, protecting the fire of life; father's love is like fire, lighting the lamp of hope; father's love is like a lamp, illuminating the way ahead; father's love guides my life.

    3、father's love is a ray of sunshine, which makes your heart feel warm even in the cold winter; father's love is a clear spring, making your feelings pure and clear even though covered wit

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